The last two days have been equally exciting, although less contrastive. The camp still stands, and we were filmed by Danish TV2, Swedish SVTV1, Finish MTV3 and Helsingin Sanomat as well as Norwegian Dagbladet. The plan is now to stay for election night…
Though the last one came when we didn’t have any official spokes persons around, and I don’t quite know what people told them at the camp. Fortunately the police seems to think it’s all ok, and they told us they won’t do anything if the parliament doesn’t ask to remove us. The plan is now to spend election night there and then the Norwegian media should really not be able to avoid us.
Hmm, these lines sound a bit more positive and less sarcastic than the previous part. I wonder whether that has to do with a generally more positive attitude that I have somehow acquired through this whole process of talking to different and new very “artistry” people the last two days. It is true, that I have enjoyed just taking part in this disorganized but productive community; people talk in star formations, wear crazy-looking hats with lots of camels on them, let their dogs walk freely in down town Oslo, smoke weird stuff (not me!) and warm coffe over a fire in a park just outside the parliament.
Well, tomorrow we’re planning on picking up people that live on the streets for real and help them to get to the election booth. That makes one remember that one’s own problems are rather miniscule in comparison.