Ah, seems like I have become a hate object for some!
Here is what one guy send to Universitas through his mobile:
Forsøkte å lese kronikken til wilm. 1/3 sa hvorfor han skrev den 1/3 presenterte kandidater 1/3 ??? Noe om frihet, markedsfundamentalisme og inndeling etter politisk ståsted. Hvis han søker å engasjere bør han skrive norsk og ikke retardert. Maken til intetsigende svevende fjas! Får han stipend? Anonym
which renders to something like:
Tried reading Wilm’s “kronikk” (a sort of long extended letter to the editor). 1/3 he wrote why he chose to srite, 13 he presented the candidates, 1/3 ??? Something about freedom, market fundamentalism and divisions according to political standpoint. If he’strying to activate people, he should write Norwegian and not retarded. Pure contentless flying crap! Does he get a stipend?
Well, the writer is probably right that it looks a bit like what any politician would write in wording, etc.- but to my defense I’d say that I actually came up with arguments why one should vote for those candidates I endorsed based on their political plattforms.
But anyways, I support any effort to dethrone figures of seeming authority, and so I can only say: more power to you!
Juh! (Sydslesvigian scream pronouned “yooh” which means “and the world continues turning… go on, give us more mono-national hell, we’ve had so much we’ll survive some more as well!”)
Well, it seems like you have missed the point entirely.. You don’t write lika politican, but like a retarded asswipe that never got trough kindergarden, but knowing how pretensious you are, you’ll never realize this..