So Germany finally got a Chancelorete!
But that is not all. Not everything seems to be the same in good old (west-)Germany these days: both Social Democrats and Conservatives are now led by East Germans. Although this fact has triggered some to announce that the whole German unification to be one huge trick with the real plan being a west ward expansion of the GDR, the East Germans in charge in those two parties re unfortunately of the hardcore anti-communist kind.

But how much longer will this whole charade go on? Not many more years, at least if we are to believe Schröder’s wife, Mrs. Köpf-Schröder; for Schröder’s military good-bye reception she chose the song “Mackie Messer” (in addition to “Summertime” by George Gershwin and Frank Sinatra’s “My Way”.). The “Mackie-Messer”-song is part of the “Three Penny Opera” and displays the social decay of the late Weimar Republic (that is the Germany that was before the Third Reich – led by the social democrats with the communists voted mainly by unemployed).
Well yes, Schröder certainly has done his best to increase the number of unemployed and Merkel will probably try to surpass him within her fist year. But that the political elites so openly should portray a wish of doing away with west-German liberal democracy, I can not quite fathom… As a an old (as in older than 70) comrade of mine at the PDS Flensburg said about three years ago: “Now all there is to wait for is another Hitler character.”
Fortunately, another crisis would also represent another chance for the revolutionary left. So guys down there: please don’t screw it up this time! I’m pretty sure that army playing the “Macki Messer”-song is not hoping for a democratic socialist society…
And then Merkel was elected yesterday morning. I went and checked the web pages of the chancellor at around 2PM, and they had already been updated with pictures of Merkel and I did not see Schröder mentioned anywhere – there wasn’t even a link to his personal homepage or anything. However, it had quite a lot of information on the chancelorette of about 4 hours. Let’s turn to the kids’ section:
… Da grenzt es fast an ein Wunder, dass die Bundeskanzlerin trotz ihrer vielen Aufgaben und Reisen fast immer so frisch und ausgeschlafen aussieht.
which translates into:
… So it’s close to a miracle, that the Chancelorette despite all her assignments and travels always looks so fresh and as if she got enough sleep.
Travels? Within the first 4 hours?
But it goes on:
Das liegt zum einen sicher daran, dass eine Kanzlerin, bevor sie Kanzlerin wird, schon eine ganze Weile politisch gearbeitet hat (dennoch sind die Kanzler zu Beginn ihrer Amtszeit immer etwas grau im Gesicht und wirken sehr nervös, doch das gibt sich schnell) und dass das Team, mit dem sie zusammenarbeitet, eingespielt ist.
which translates into:
That surely has to do with the fact that the Chancelorette, before she gets to be Chancelorette already has worked politically for a quite a while (nevertheless are the Chancellors always somewhat gray in their faces and seem rather nervous at the beginning of their term, but that goes over rather quickly), and that the team, with which she works, is already used to work together.
Hmm… I wonder whether it is not actually cause Chancellors still have a conscience when they start, which they only gradually give up when big business first demands a war or similar.
But now it’s 8:06 Am, and it’s about to get light. And there was something or another important that I was supposed to do right now, so I better figure out what that was…